Friday, May 30, 2014

"The more you know about something the less you fear"

As we are approaching summer I am getting ready to roll out our GSP summer reading program. We all know how important it is for our children to read, but let's imagine for a moment how life would be without books. The following story corps segment was on the radio this morning and it helped me to do just that: Imagine what possibilities arise once knowledge is accessible to you. I hope you have a moment to listen to the story of Storm Reyes.
Story Corps

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Road Trip across the USA - brought to you by 4th grade

For the last few weeks our 4th grade students have been busy researching and learning about the states of the United States of America. To demonstrate their learning, this unit culminated in a road trip through the US.
Students prepared a power point presentation that summarized their findings about their particular state - and prepared a display for our own state exhibit. With the help of their families they added a culinary feature to their presentation, thank you parents!
While visiting the stations I learned so many things about the US, about state mottos, birds, recipes for salt water taffy and much more.
Student learning is most meaningful if students are fully engaged, identify with the subject and have fun.
This was a wonderful example of how to do all of this and more!
Thank you 4th grade for helping me learn something new!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Sprachdiplom - German Language Learning beyond Grade 5

GSP students earn top scores on Sprachdiplom
Not only do our students study hard they also actually sit down and take the test; even if it is scheduled to take place on a Saturday or during Spring Break. The ladder goes especially for our alumni:  Agnes Rehr-Zimmermann and Annalise Helm (photo, l.) both took the DSDII test, the highest level of testing and the equivalent of a German Abitur-Prüfung in December and followed through by taking the oral part in early January. Meanwhile we have received word that both passed with very good results. 

Congratulations!! Their German language skills now allow them to apply for a course of studies in Germany. 

Our high school graduates were then followed by a group of teenagers who took their written DSDI-test during our Spring Break on Sat. March 22nd and went on with the oral part on Fri. April 11. Among them were Nicole Krenz and Bettine Rehr-Zimmermann (photo), Keegan Kaas, Isabella Amann, Jakob Hollenbeck and Miles Hoeckel. All of them were joined by alumni Gracie Closson, Hannah Smith, Daniel Sutherland, Ella Ansteth and Annika Peters currently enrolled at Sophie Scholl Saturday School as well as Jule Bauer and Anya Bennett from Gilkey Middle School.

As every year, our 5th grade students all routinely took the A2 level test in all four categories, listening, reading, writing and speaking skills, and passed, as usual, with flying colors.
Last, but not least our own 3rd grade students participated in the earliest qualifying level for the first time. All students received at least three out of four stars on their diploma. Great job!