Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Project Week pictures

By now you probably have heard about the fairy tales and activities of project week. I wanted to share a few pictures from the many things students created this week.Of course they also brought home a folder with fairy tales from around the world to read over summer.

Die Geschichte vom Kaenguru und Dingo
Vogel Strauss

Der Fischer und seine Frau

Die Blume der Kaiserin

Have a wonderful summer!

Dear GSP families,
we have almost reached the finish line, but learning never stops! I am sure there will be many learning opportunities for you and your children over summer!
While I have to say it one more time: please read, read read all summer long! Read books, comics, magazines, the weather forecast, just read, read, read. I also want to encourage you to explore and discover something new. If you haven't tried Geocaching for example, it could be a great way to get outside and put your map reading skills to good use. We like to strategies and practice observation skills as much as patience and don't worry there are easy categories, too. You can find geocaches anywhere: from off the beaten path in the woods, to a retaining wall at your local Costco - and kids love the activity.
Here is the link with more information if you are interested: Geocaching

Often we think of school as neatly compartmentalized in subjects - in reality meaningful learning happens when we break open these restrictions and mix it up.
In this sense I hope you have a colorful summer, and I am looking forward to our bright and colorful journey through the next school year together!

Stefanie Amann

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Project Week

“If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.” 

― Albert Einstein
As we are getting closer to the finish line of this school year, we will engage in a different sort of learning next week.
It is a tradition here at GSP to celebrate learning during the last week of school by working on various project themed units. This year's theme is Fairy Tales.
We will celebrate Grimm's fairy tales' 200th anniversary, but teachers also prepared activities for fairytales from around the world!

We will read stories together and students will work on engaging hands-on activities for each unit.  I don't want to give too much away, but during last year's project week about the Olympic games, students created medals, played ancient olympic games and created their own music to name just a few activities. This year promises to be just as exciting!