This teacher appreciation week is all about our teachers and the amazing things they do here at GSP every day.
At GSP we are fortunate enough to have a team that is willing and able to discover its hidden talents and put them to good use. During Frau Weinhardt's visit this week (she is our German educational consultant) we started analyzing our Peer Review findings - which we will share with the GSP community this coming week- and met in small groups to learn more about how to effectively work in quality circles for the purpose of school development. This is a new professional facet of being a teacher for many of us, but as a team we have made a commitment to continue to develop and grow these skills so that we can become better teachers and GSP can become the school we all dream of.
We are also fortunate enough to be surrounded by families that care just as much and we surely appreciate the wonderful surprises brought our way this week! Thank you!
We can only do this together, but together we can do it!
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