Each time I walk
by the library I enjoy seeing our students cuddled up in a corner with a
book. On Friday for example, our 5th
graders read together with their Kindergarten buddies. Both groups look
forward to this hour all week. The older students carefully choose books that
their kindergarten buddies might enjoy and read to them in German. We are lucky
enough to have a library stocked with books for every interest and ability
level. One skill we work on with students is how to recognize and choose a good
book. We all know this takes some practice. I see students picking up a book,
looking at the title and the cover, reading the summary or asking a friend for
a recommendation. If we are lucky, they find a series they like and continue
reading all the books in that series. But what do we do when they finish the
last book? I see that as a great problem
to have! Here is a web tool that
can help you and your child find a book you might be interested in based on
previous preferences. The following is an example for the author Astrid
Lindgren Literature Map . Just type an
author’s name and see what the tool suggests. Enjoy!

This coming Friday we will celebrate "Read Across America" in celebration of Dr. Seuss' birthday. A perfect reason to read with the whole family.
Happy reading!
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